Solaris ネーミングの設定と構成


Solaris 2.6 リリースで提供されるローカルファイル用スイッチファイルは nsswitch.files です。

例 1-3 デフォルトの nsswitch.files ファイル

# /etc/nsswitch.files: 
# An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it 
# does not use any naming service. 
# "hosts:" and "services:" in this file are used only if the 
# /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" transports. 
passwd: files 
group: files 
hosts: files 
networks: files 
protocols: files 
rpc: files 
ethers: files 
netmasks: files	 
bootparams: files
publickey: files
# At present there isn't a 'files' backend for netgroup; the system will
# figure it out pretty quickly, and won't use netgroups at all. 
netgroup: files 
automount: files 
aliases: files 
services: files 
sendmailvars: files