Device Reference Manual for Solaris 2.6 (Intel Platform Edition)

Preconfiguration Information

Supported Settings

All cards that support Plug and Play:

  • Plug and Play


16/4 Token Ring adapters (Micro Channel) and Auto 16/4, Turbo 16/4 Token Ring adapters (ISA, Micro Channel):

  • IRQ Level:

3, 9, 10, 11 

16/4 Token Ring adapters (ISA):

  • IRQ Level:

3, 6, 7, 9  

  • I/O Address:

0xA20, 0xA24  

If there are multiple adapters installed, do not overlap them. 

Turbo 16/4 Token Ring adapters (ISA):

  • Adapter Mode:

Auto 16 Mode, ISA 16 Mode 

(Auto 16 Mode has better performance) 

Known Problems and Limitations