Java CAPS JMS Reference


Delivery Mode

The Delivery mode property specifies whether the messages for this JMS connection are persistent or non-persistent. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

Non-persistent delivery mode is the most efficient delivery mode, because it does not require messages to be saved to permanent storage. Per JMS specification, the message destination delivers non-persistent messages with an at-most-once guarantee. The message is only delivered once, even if it is lost. This mode involves a trade-off between performance and reliability. Non-persistence offers better performance but if a message server fails, messages may be lost due to a power outage.

When messages are persistent, the message server places the message in permanent storage to ensure the message is not lost in transit if the message server fails. Persistent messages are delivered once, and only once.

For the JMS IQ Manager, persistent messages are stored in the message server database files.

Default Value

The default delivery mode is Persistent.

Idle Timeout

The Idle timeout property specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before returning a connection to the pool. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

Default Value

The default timeout is 30 seconds.

Maximum Pool Size

The Maximum pool size property specifies the maximum number of connections to be made to the message server. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

Default Value

The default size is 32.

Maximum Wait Time

The Maximum wait time property specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for acquiring a connection before throwing an exception. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

Default Value

The default time is 30000 milliseconds.


The Priority property specifies the message priority level for the JMS client. The message priority level that you specify causes all messages produced by this client to have that same priority level. For example, if you set the priority level to 2, all messages sent by that client have message priority level 2. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

You can also specify message priorities in Collaborations with the JMS OTD with the setPriority method. Collaboration message priorities override JMS client message priorities. For more information, refer to Configuring JMS Clients.

Allowed Values

An integer between 0 and 9, where 0 through 4 is normal priority and 5 through 9 is expedited priority.

Default Value

The default delivery mode is 4.

Steady Pool Size

The Steady pool size property specifies the minimum, and initial, number of connections maintained in the pool. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

Default Value

The default is 4 connections.

Transaction Mode

The Transaction mode property specifies the transaction mode used for message producers. For consumers, this mode is always XA. This property applies to topic publishers and queue senders, and is specified in the Basic properties dialog.

The Transaction mode property specifies whether messages for this JMS client use one of the following transaction modes:

Allowed Values

Transacted or XA.

Default Value

The default transaction mode is XA.

Note –

Documentation on distributed transaction processing using XA is available at no charge from The Open Group at (search on “XA”).