Java CAPS JMS Reference

JMS Message Servers

JMS message servers provide the global messaging protocols, such as the routing and delivery of messages, and connection to the JMS database.

By default, Sun Enterprise Service Bus contains the following message server options:

The Sun Java System Message Queue is the current default message server for Java CAPS 6.

The Sun JMS IQ Manager was the default JMS message server implementation for Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator, the predecessor to Sun Enterprise Service Bus. This software is installed automatically if you select Complete when installing from the GUI, or as an option if you use any other installation method. The JMS IQ Manager conforms to the Java Message specification 1.1 and supports both topic (publish-and-subscribe) and queue (point-to-point) messaging styles. Inside the JMS IQ Manager includes information about how the JMS IQ Manager processes messages, in concert with the JMS clients. JMS IQ Manager Runtime Configuration provides detailed information about the JMS IQ Manager property options.