Java CAPS JMS Reference

ProcedureTo Change Message Contents

To change the contents (payload) of a message for a specified message destination, use the -changeqmsg (-cqm) or -changetmsg (-ctm) flag. You must specify whether the original message type is bytes or text. The example illustrates the procedure for a topic.

Note –

The message cannot be processed while you are changing the contents.

  1. Use the following command syntax to specify the contents change:

    stcmsctrlutil.exe  -ctm topicname seqnumber -msgtype type

    where topicname is the name of the topic that contains the message, seqnumber is the sequence number of the message, and type is either bytes or text indicating the message type of the original message.

  2. Press Return.

  3. Type the new content.

  4. Press Control-Z.