Java CAPS JMS Reference

JMS Messaging Features

This topic provides a brief overview of messaging features offered by the JMS IQ Manager working together with the JMS clients.

Message Delivery Order

The JMS IQ Manager provides the following special facilities to maintain message order in concurrent processing and across message destinations. These facilities are in addition to those mandated by the Java Message Server specification.

The following sections describe each method of processing order. For detailed information about processing order, refer to Message Processing Order.

Message Producer Priorities

Sun Enterprise Service Bus enables you to set message priorities for topic publishers and queue senders. The priority level causes all messages produced by the client to have that same priority level. For more information, refer to Message Producer Priorities.

Distributed Transactions

The JMS IQ Manager enables you to configure JMS Client properties for distributed transactions using the XA protocol. For more information, refer to Transaction Mode.


The Sun Enterprise Service Bus provides role-based security for the JMS IQ Manager by requiring authentication by means of SSL or LDAP. When authentication is enabled, access to the JMS IQ Manager is only granted when the connection has a valid user ID and password.

JMS IQ Manager security is enabled by default. To disable security, refer to Using LDAP with Java CAPS.

Runtime Management

Sun Enterprise Service Bus provides two alternatives for managing JMS IQ Managers:

Note –

Other message servers supported by Java CAPS have their own runtime management tools.