Java CAPS JMS Reference

JMS Object Type Definitions

The JMS Object Type Definition (OTD) is a special type of OTD that allows Collaborations to read from and write to topics or queues. It supplies operators and Java methods for creating, sending, and receiving JMS messages (see JMS OTD Methods).

The JMS OTD is included with Sun Enterprise Service Bus, and is installed automatically. The template resides in the CAPS Components Library\Enterprise Service Bus folder under the NetBeans Projects tab, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1–12 Project Explorer - JMS OTD

Screen capture showing JMS property nodes in
OTD tree.

The send, receive, and receiveWait nodes represent web service operations that are available in the Collaboration Definition Wizard (Java) when you create a Java based Collaboration Definition implementing an existing web service. The Message, sendInput, and receiveWaitInput nodes represent messages used with these operations, as listed in the following table.

Message Node 



Message for receive operation


Message for send operation


Message for receiveWait operation

When you select one of the web service operations for a Java based Collaboration Definition implementing an existing web service, the corresponding message becomes available in the Collaboration Definition Editor as the input argument. When you create a Java based Collaboration Definition implementing a new web service, the three messages become available as both input and output arguments.

The send, receive, and receiveWait nodes can also be dragged and dropped into the Sun Business Process Editor as activities. The corresponding messages are then displayed in the mapper while performing assigns. See Designing Business Processes in the Sun Business Process Manager for additional information.

Message Types

The JMS OTD currently supports the following message types: