Sun HL7 Message Library User's Guide

Editing the Message Library Delimiters

Delimiters for all node levels are set and modified from the root node. Be aware that the default level 1 delimiter character is a non-ASCII character. Once it has been changed it cannot be typed back in as a character, but it can be pasted. For information about editing a specific segment of the Message Library, see Managing Message Library Nodes, Elements, and Fields.

ProcedureTo Edit the Delimiters From the Root Node

  1. Select the root node in the Object Type Definition pane of the Message Library Editor.

  2. Double-click the delim properties field in the Properties pane.

    An ellipsis (...) button appears in the field.

  3. Click the ellipsis button.

    The Delimiter List Editor appears.

    HL7 Message Library Editor - Delimiter List Editor
  4. Double-click any field in the Delimiter List Editor on any level to make the field editable or to display a list of options.

  5. For Level 3, do the following:

    1. Double-click the Delimiter Bytes field for level 3.

    2. Change the current delimiter character to a pound sign (#), Tab to the next field, and then click OK.

      The delimiter for all level 3 nodes in the Message Library is now a pound sign (#), unless it is specified differently for a specific segment. The figure displays an example of various levels in the Object Type Definition tree, from the Root node.

      Node Levels From the Root Node