Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options (Repository)

Modifying the Match Field File

You can modify the Match Field file at any time, but modifying the file is not recommended once you move to production because this file defines how records are processed and data integrity is maintained. You must regenerate the application and redeploy the project after making any changes to this file. Modifying this file once you are in production might cause weighting and standardization to be handled differently, causing unexpected match weight results.

Most of the components configured by this file can be modified using the Configuration Editor. The editor provides a graphical interface that simplifies defining normalization, standardization, matching, and phonetic encoding. It also maintains referential integrity between files in cases where standardization, normalization, or phonetic encoding requires additional fields to be added to the object structure. The possible modifications to this file are restricted by the schema definition, so be sure to validate the file after making any changes.