Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options (Repository)

The Survivor Calculator and the SBR (Repository)

The survivor calculator generates and updates the SBR for each record. The SBR for an enterprise object is created from what is considered to be the most reliable information contained in each system record for a particular object. The information used from each local system to populate the SBR is determined by the survivor calculator defined in the Update Manager. The fields defined in the survivor calculator are also the fields contained in the SBR. You can configure the survivor calculator to determine the best fields for the SBR from a combination of all the source system records. The survivor calculator can consider factors such as the relative reliability of a system, how recent the data is, and whether data entered from the EDM overwrites data entered from any other system.

The survivor calculator consists of the rules defined for the survivor helper and the weighted calculator.

Note –

Phonetic and standardized fields do not need to be defined in the Best Record file since their field values are determined by the standardization engine for the SBR.