Installing Patches for Java CAPS

Java CAPS 6 Patch Management Tools

This topic discusses the Java CAPS patch management tools, including the Install Tool, Uninstall Tool, and the Patch Information Tool.

Parameters determine the behavior of the patch options. Let us use the domain name, which is an application server environment option, as an example. If we do not specify the option, the patch is applied to the installation base directory.

Note –

The environment of the patch is determined from the patch itself. If the environment does not exist the -basedir and -type options allow the new environment to be added. By default, this option should not be used; it is used only for initializing a new environment.

Java CAPS 6 Patch Install Tool

Use the tool to install patches.

Usage: caps-patch-install [-help]  [-nobackup] 
[-reinstall] [-basedir base directory] 
[-type environment type] [-domaindir domains directory]
[-domain domain name] [-clirepdir command-line local repository]
[-verbose] [-patch distributionFile/directory]

Note –

The Patch Install Tool requires the -patch distributionFile/directory option or the -help option to be present. The -patch option is required in all cases except when attempting to obtain help.

The -basedir and -type options are required to patch a non -default installation location for the first time. These are added to specify the base directory and type of the new environment.


The location of the component installation directory. This is used when the component is installed in a non-default location. For example, the application server installation directory. The -type command-line option must be specified with this option.


Prints Installation Tool usage and version information. 


Does not create a backup file. 

Note –

If you use this option you cannot uninstall this patch.


The path to the patch distribution file. 


Installs an already installed patch. 

Note –

This patch cannot be uninstalled.


The type of environment. Valid values are DT-NB, DT-CLI, RT, EM, and REP.


Prints detailed patch information during the patch installation process. 

Application Server Domain Specific Patching in a Runtime Environment

Additional command-line options patch specific domains when using the caps-patch-uninstall script in a runtime environment.


Lists the directory where the domain is located. If specified, the path must be accessible in the file system. If not specified, the domain is expected in the default domain directory of the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server (SGES). 


Names the domain that is being patched. A valid domain name should be specified. 

Command-line Codegen

In command-line Codegen a specific local repository has to be patched, and the installation script takes this local Repository as an additional parameter. If this parameter is specified only the non-repository-specific components are patched. 

Note –

While using the Command-line Codegen Patch Install Tool you have specify the local cache for storing repository components. Command-line Codegen can support multiple local repositories. The option -clirepdir points to the particular directory to be patched.


Lists the command-line Repository directory that is being patched. There is no default value for this variable. 

Java CAPS 6 Patch Uninstall Tool

Use the tool to uninstall patches as well as to cleanup an interrupted patch installation or uninstallation.

Note –

You do not need to run the uninstall script for normal failures.

The command syntax for uninstalling patches is

Usage: caps-patch-uninstall [-verbose] [-help] [-cleanup] [-domain domain name] 
[-clirepdir command-line local repository] PatchId

The command syntax for cleanup of an interrupted installation or uninstallation is

Usage: caps-patch-uninstall [-verbose] -cleanup [PatchId]


Uninstalls the patch PatchId. 


Cleans up a previously interrupted installation or uninstallation. 


Prints Uninstallation Tool usage and version information. 


Prints detailed patch README information. 

Application Server Domain Specific Patching in a Runtime Environment

Additional command-line options patch specific domains in the runtime environment. 


Names the domain from which the patch is be removed. 

Command-line Codegen

Additional command-line options are used by the caps-patch-uninstall tool in the command—line Codegen environment.


Lists the command-line Repository directory from which the patch is being removed. 

Java CAPS 6 Patch Information Tool

The command syntax for patch information is

Usage: caps-patch-info [-verbose] [-help] [-patch PatchId]


Prints information about a specific installed patch. 


Prints patch usage and version information. 


Prints detailed patch information for each JAR file.