Developing Sun Master Indexes (Repository)

ProcedureTo Customize Common Table Data for SQL Server

  1. Under the master index project in the Projects window, expand Database Scripts and then open the Code Lists file in the NetBeans editor.

  2. Scroll to the following line.


    The statements following this line must be customized.

  3. In the first code list stanza, change “module description” in the first line to a brief description of the code type.

    For example:

    -- **** PHONTYPE **** insert into @codelist values(’L’, ’PHONTYPE’, ’TELEPHONE TYPE’)

  4. Create the entries for the module using the following syntax:

    insert into @codelist values(’V’, ’code’, ’code description’)

    where “code” is the processing code of the data element and “code description” is the description of the element as you want it to appear on the Enterprise Data Manager windows. For example:

    -- **** PHONTYPE **** insert into @codelist values(’L’, ’PHONTYPE’, ’TELEPHONE TYPE’) insert into @codelist values(’V’, ’H’, ’HOME’) insert into @codelist values(’V’, ’C’, ’CELL’) insert into @codelist values(’V’, ’F’, ’FAX’) insert into @codelist values(’V’, ’O’, ’OFFICE’) insert into @codelist values(’V’, ’HB’, ’HOME BUSINESS’)

  5. Repeat the previous two steps for each code list type defined in the file.

  6. If you specified additional code list fields in the Object Definition file and the Enterprise Data Manager file, add a new stanza for each new code type.

  7. Save and close the file.

  8. Do one of the following: