Developing Sun Master Patient Indexes

The Sun Master Patient Index Solution

Sun Master Patient Index is an enterprise-wide master patient index (EMPI) built on the Sun Master Index (Repository) platform. It provides a comprehensive, reliable view of patient information by uniquely identifying patients throughout a healthcare enterprise and maintaining the most current information about those patients. With Sun Master Patient Index, it is possible to create a single source of patient information that synchronizes with your existing systems.

Sun Master Patient Index cross-references data from all connected systems and automates record matching across disparate systems, simplifying the process of sharing data between departments and facilities. Sun Master Patient Index is highly flexible and customizable, and you can configure the master index as needed to meet your data processing needs. The master index uniquely identifies each patient record throughout an organization to ensure that the most current and accurate data is available.

Sun Master Patient Index provides an automatic, common identification process regardless of the system from which data originates. Records from various locations are cross-referenced using an enterprise-wide unique identifier assigned by Sun Master Patient Index, allowing the master index to use the local identifiers generated by your internal systems to create an index of patient records. In addition, Sun Master Patient Index employs configurable probabilistic matching technology, which uses a matching algorithm to formulate an effective statistical measure of how closely records match based on the data fields you specify. Using this matching logic, Sun Master Patient Index consistently and precisely identifies patient records, flagging potentially duplicate records and automatically joining records that are considered a match. In this way, Sun Master Patient Index provides continuous data cleansing as records are processed.

Sun Master Patient Index centralizes the information about the patients that participate within your organization. Maintaining a centralized database for multiple systems enablesSun Master Patient Index to integrate data throughout the enterprise while allowing your existing systems to continue to operate independently. The database, which is accessible throughout the enterprise, stores copies of local system records and their associated single best records (SBRs), which represent the most accurate and complete data for each patient. To facilitate up-to-date records in each system, you can configure Sun Master Patient Index to generate a message to a JMS Topic each time a record is updated, added, merged, or unmerged in the master index. Using the Sun Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), this information becomes available to those systems that are able to accept incoming messages.