Developing Sun Master Patient Indexes

Data Maintenance

The Patient EDM is the web-based user interface for Sun Master Patient Index. The Patient EDM supports all the necessary features for maintaining data records. It allows you to add new records; view, update, deactivate, or reactivate existing records; and compare records for similarities and differences. From the Patient EDM, you can perform searches using a variety of criteria and search types for a specific patient or a set of patients. For certain searches, the results are assigned a matching weight that indicates the probability of a match.

One of the most important features of Sun Master Patient Index is its ability to match records and identify possible duplicates. Sun Master Patient Index also provides the functionality to correct any duplication. Potential duplicate records are easily corrected by either merging the records in question or marking the records as “resolved”. If you find two records to represent the same person, you should merge the records (at either the enterprise record or system record level). At the enterprise record level, you can determine which record to retain as the active record. At the system level, you can determine which record to retain and which information from each record to preserve in the resulting record.

Finally, Patient EDM provides standard reports that provide information about the current state of the data in the master index, helping you monitor stored data and determine how that data needs to be updated. Report information also helps verify that the matching logic and weight thresholds are defined correctly. Standard reports are available through a command line or the Patient EDM. You can also create custom reports using any ODBC-compliant reporting tool, SQL, or Java.