Developing Sun Master Patient Indexes

ProcedureTo Generate the Application for the First Time

  1. Save any configuration changes to the master index project.

  2. Right-click the master index application in the Projects window.

  3. Select Generate.

    The project components are generated. This might take a few minutes.

  4. On the NetBeans toolbar, click Save.

  5. If you are using command line reports, do the following:

    1. Export the generated Person_stc_eindex_client.jar and Person_stc_eindex_util.jar files to the /lib subdirectory in the reports home directory.

    2. In the /lib subdirectory, rename Person_stc_eindex_client.jar to stc_eindex_client.jar and rename Person_stc_eindex_util.jar to stc_eindex_util.jar.