Developing Sun Master Patient Indexes

Master Index Field Masking Plug-ins

There might be instances where you want to mask certain data in records from general users of the Patient Enterprise Data Manager and only allow access by administrators. To do this, you can create a custom plug-in that displays asterisks (or other symbols) in place of the field values on the Patient EDM. Once you define the custom plug-in, specify the name of the custom plug-in Java class in the object-sensitive-plug-in-class element of edm.xml).

Sun Master Patient Index provides a default custom plug-in that defines field masking. The class is, which is specified in the object-sensitive-plug-in-class of edm.xml. This class contains logic that checks the value of the VIP Flag field. If the value is “V” (VIP) or “E” (Employee), the values are masked by a series of Xs for any field for which the is-sensitive element is set to true in the first section of edm.xml).