Developing Sun Master Patient Indexes

Generating the Master Index Application

Before you generate the application, review the configuration files and make any necessary modifications (see Configuring Sun Master Indexes (Repository) for more information). Once all modifications to the configuration files are complete and any custom plug-ins are built, generate the master index application to update the application components. If you modify any of the configuration files, match and standardization engine files, or custom plug-ins after you generate the application, you need to regenerate the application to update the custom components.

Note –

If any errors occur while compiling the application, they appear in the output panel in the bottom of the window. This window also displays the status of the generate process.

ProcedureTo Generate the Application for the First Time

  1. Save any configuration changes to the master index project.

  2. Right-click the master index application in the Projects window.

  3. Select Generate.

    The project components are generated. This might take a few minutes.

  4. On the NetBeans toolbar, click Save.

  5. If you are using command line reports, do the following:

    1. Export the generated Person_stc_eindex_client.jar and Person_stc_eindex_util.jar files to the /lib subdirectory in the reports home directory.

    2. In the /lib subdirectory, rename Person_stc_eindex_client.jar to stc_eindex_client.jar and rename Person_stc_eindex_util.jar to stc_eindex_util.jar.

ProcedureTo Regenerate the Application

  1. Save any configuration changes to the master index project.

  2. Right-click the master index application in the Projects window.

  3. Select Generate, and then click Yes on the dialog box that appears.

    The application components are regenerated. This might take a few minutes. The output panel displays the status and any errors that occur.

  4. On the NetBeans toolbar, click Save.

  5. If there are any client projects with Collaborations that reference the master index server project, refresh those Collaborations.

  6. If there were any changes to how incoming data is processed (such as changes to the output OTD), re-import the .jar files.

    1. Open the Collaboration in the Collaboration Editor and click Import JAR Files.

      The Add/Remove Jar Files dialog box appears.

    2. For each master index application .jar file, highlight the filename on the Add/Remove Jar Files dialog box, and then click Remove.

    3. For each file to re-import, click Add, double-click the master index server project, select the .jar file, and then click Import.

  7. If you are using command line reports, do the following:

    1. Export the regeneratedPerson_stc_eindex_client.jar and Person_stc_eindex_util.jar files to the /lib subdirectory in the reports home directory.

    2. In the /lib subdirectory, rename Person_stc_eindex_client.jar to stc_eindex_client.jar and rename Person_stc_eindex_util.jar to stc_eindex_util.jar.