The WSDL document contains two types of message objects:
Regular message object
Batch message object
IEP uses the regular message object when you are sending in one message at a time. A batch message object is useful when you want to send in multiple messages.
<message name="MyStreamInput_Msg"> <part name="input" element="typens:MyStreamInput_MsgObj"/> </message> <message name="MyStreamInputBatch_Msg"> <part name="input" element="typens:MyStreamInputBatch_MsgObj"/> </message> <message name="StreamOutput0_Msg"> <part name="output" element="typens:StreamOutput0_MsgObj"/> </message> |
If one of the messages in the batch message group fails to be processed appropriately in the IEP, others will fail as well.
With a single message object, message failure is on a one-by-one basis.