Designing Business Processes in the Sun Business Process Manager

Linking Modeling Elements

Links indicate the flow of the BP by connecting activities together. BPM does not allow invalid links, ensuring the model is properly linked. Links can also accept business rules. A link with a business rule is marked with a blue icon.

ProcedureTo link a modeling element

  1. Move your cursor over the connector portion of a modeling element.

  2. Hold the cursor over the outside edge of the modeling element until it changes from the arrow pointer to a hand.

  3. Drag a line from the first activity to the connector of the second activity, and then release the mouse.

  4. To change the link style, right-click the BP in the Project Explorer, and then click Toggle Link Style.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Add business rules to the links, as described in Incorporating Business Rules below (optional).