Designing Business Processes in the Sun Business Process Manager

Creating a Sub-process

In the following procedure, you create a WSD object to use in the sub-process. The WSD object functions as the interface to the sub-process or, in the case of a user activity, to the Visual Page Designer pageflow. For detailed information about using the Web Service Designer, see Sun Enterprise Service Bus topics.

ProcedureTo create a sub-process

  1. Right-click the Repository and click New Project.

  2. Name the Project.

  3. Right-click the Project, point to New, and then click Web Service Definition.

  4. Edit the WSD object as needed.

  5. Right-click the Project, point to New, and then click Business Process.

  6. Add a receive activity to the BP, and then link it to the Start element.

  7. In the Project Explorer, expand the WSD object, expand PortTypes, and then expand PortType.

  8. Click the PortType operation and drag it onto the empty receive activity.

    If the operation includes an output message, a reply activity appears.

  9. Add one or more empty activity to the canvas between the implement and reply activities.

  10. Add links between the modeling elements in the sub-process, and then add business rules if needed.

  11. Click Save.