Designing Business Processes in the Sun Business Process Manager

Automatically Arranging Modeling Elements

In order to save time and effort, you can automatically arrange the modeling elements on the Business Process Designer canvas. The Auto Layout feature provides several options for arranging modeling elements for clear display.

ProcedureTo automatically arrange modeling elements

  1. In the Business Process Designer toolbar, click Auto Layout.

    The Auto Layout dialog box appears.

  2. Select the display options.

  3. When you are done, click OK.

Auto Layout Options

The following tables describe the different options available for arranging modeling elements. Default values are indicated with bold text.

Table 8 Cycle Remove Options




Optimizes cycle removal. 

Depth First Search 

Performs cycle removal by searching depth first. 

Table 9 Layering Options



Longest Path Sink 

Layers elements according to the longest path sink. 

Longest Path Source 

Layers elements according to the longest path source. 

Optimal Link Length 

Optimizes link length. 

Table 10 Initialize Options




Initializes layout without searching depth. 

Depth First Search Outward 

Initializes layout by searching depth first outwardly. 

Depth First Search Inward 

Initializes layout by searching depth first inwardly. 

Table 11 Crossing Reduction Options




Specifies the number of iterations for crossing reduction. Click the up or down arrow to change the number. 


Performs aggressive crossing reduction when selected. 

Table 12 Layout Options



Layer Spacing 

Specifies the number of pixels for layer spacing. Click the up or down arrow to change the number. 

Column Spacing 

Specifies the number pixels for column spacing. Click the up or down arrow to change the number. 

Left to Right 

Performs a horizontal layout from left to right. 

Top to Bottom 

Performs a vertical layout from top to bottom.