Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

JRuby Integrated into NetBeans IDE

If you have the latest version of NetBeans IDE 6.0, you can create your own JRuby Project, and execute the JRuby samples (they have “rb” extensions) from within the NetBeans IDE.

Note –

Java CAPS 6 delivered with NetBeans IDE 6.1 ML.

ProcedureTo Create a JRuby Project

  1. Create a new JRuby project.

  2. Copy the JRuby scripting files into the project.

  3. Right-click and open the Project Properties tab and provide the appropriate jar files for the project to use.

  4. Start the Sun Java System Application Server.

  5. Open a script file in NetBeans, right-click on the source, and then click Run File to run the script.