Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

Alert Configuration Service

Table 11 Alert Configuration Service Method Names and Descriptions

API Method Name 



Enables alerts persistence in the alerts database. Enabling provides reliable alerts delivery in case of delivery channel failure or application server restart. 


Disables alerts persistence in the alerts database. 


Returns the last setting of the alert persistence enabling operation. True if enabled, otherwise false. 


Returns the last setting of the alert journal enabling operation. True if enabled, otherwise false. 


Sets the JNDI name of the data source database to be used for persistence. If not provided at least once the persistence will be disabled even if enableAlertsPersistence is set to true. 


Returns the last set JNDI name for the alert persistence data source. 


Sets the database type to be used for persistence. Derby is the assumed default database. If a different database is used, this method should be called prior to enabling the persistence. 


The return value represents the last set DB type. 


Sets the maximum time a persisted alert is stored in the alert database before it is deleted as part of the removal policy. 


Returns the last setting for the allowed persisted alert age. A value of 0 current time could cause all persisted alerts to be deleted. When a negative value is used this policy element is ignored. 


Sets the maximum number of alerts allowed to be persisted before an alert is deleted as part of the removal policy in effect. If persistence is on and the count set to zero, it negates journaling being on. 


Returns the last setting for the maximum of alerts allowed to be persisted. A value of 0 means no alerts are persisted. 


The priority based alert level that is part of the removal policy. The priorities are as follows (from low to high): INFO, WARNING, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL, and FATAL. All alerts from the provided level and below will be candidates for removal. 


The returned value represents the last setting for the level of alerts that are allowed to be removed from persistence for each target. 


Sets the effective policy for the removal of persisted alerts. 


Returns the return value representing an array of the last setting the policy used when persisted alerts are to be removed. An empty array means no policy is enforced. 


Enables or disables the ability to use the removal policy. 


The returned value represents the last setting that enables/disables the persisted alerts removal policy. 


Sets how often the persisted alerts removal policy is executed. 


Returns the returned value representing The last interval setting of the persisted alerts removal policy is executed. 


Sets the maximum number of alerts that can be cached in memory prior to being delivered to the registered listeners. 


Returns the returned value representing the last setting of the maximum size of memory in the alerts cache. 


Sets the persisted alerts table name. 


Returns the total number of alerts currently persisted. This value is volatile and could change. 


This API enables the caller to set all the parameters defined in the other APIs in this interface. All the settings are applied prior to enabling the persistence.