Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

ProcedureTo Set Up a Database Using Enterprise Manager

  1. Start the domain you want to use.

  2. Use the Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console or AS Admin command-line utility to set up a connection pool and resource.

    Note –

    Record the name you assign to the resource name.

    For detailed instructions on how to perform this task see Admin Console online help.

  3. Start the selected database.

  4. Start Enterprise Manager and add the domain you started in step 1.

  5. Launch the Alert Configuration screen (for information see Monitoring Java EE Components).

    1. Select the database type that matches the database you selected.

    2. Enter the JNDI name.

      Note –

      This is the resource name you created in step 2.

  6. Enable persistence and journaling, and then click Save to commit the changes.

    Note –

    When you enable persistence you do not have to enable journaling; that is, journaling is optional when persistence is enabled.