Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

Deployment Service

The Deployment Service enables you to deploy and un-deploy:

Table 5 Deployment Service Method Names and Descriptions

API Method Name 



Deploys the service assembly. 


Deploys the service assembly from the domain target. 


Undeploys the service assembly. 


Deploys a component to the given array of targets which can be domains, clusters, or standalone instances. Since there are restrictions around how clusters and standalone instances share deployments, the component bits are deployed only to the first target in the list and then application references are created for the rest of the targets in the array specified. 


Undeploys a component to the given array of targets which can be domains, clusters, or standalone instances. Since there are restrictions around how clusters and standalone instances share deployments, the application references are removed for all the targets except for the first one in the array. After this, the component bits are undeployed from the first target in the array.