Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

ProcedureTo Modify the Environment Variables in env.bat

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the JDK/JRE Home folder where your JDK or JRE is installed.

    For example: set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.6.0.

  2. Set the SJSAS_HOME variable to the SJSAS Home folder where your Sun Java System Application Server is installed.

    For example: set SJSAS_HOME=C:\CAPS6\SJSAS.

  3. Set the CAPS_MANAGEMENT_HOME variable to the folder where you saved the Java CAPS Management and Monitoring API Java archive file locally.

    For example: set CAPS_MANAGEMENT_HOME=C:\scripting\engines\common.

  4. Set the ENGINE_HOME variable to your Scripting Engine Home folder where your scripting engine is installed.

    For example: set ENGINE_HOME=C:\scripting\engines\groovy\groovy-1.1-beta-2.

    Note –

    You are now ready to run the scripting samples.