Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

ProcedureTo Set Up an Oracle Database for Alert Persistence

  1. Modify the file under appserver/domains/domain1/jbi/config.

    1. Modify the DatabaseType to ORACLE.

    2. Change the AlertTablename to EMHOSTNAMEVistastccom8080.

      Note –

      This step is required as the default name, EVENTMANAGEMENTHOSTNAMEistastccom8080, exceeded Oracle's 30-character limit for table names.

    3. Change the DBJndiName to OracleXPDB.

      Note –

      You create this in the Admin Console; this is noted in step 2.

    4. Change PersistenceEnbled to true.

    5. Using Enterprise Manager, set the values for DatabaseType, DBJndiName, and PersistenceEnabled in the normal Alert Management Config Agent.

      Note –

      The database scripts should probably be run before enabling persistence. The table name must be changed in the file manually.

  2. Create the JDBC connection pool and resource in the Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console.

    1. Add the location of to the classpath, JVM Settings->Path Settings->Classpath Suffix, and then restart the domain.

      Note –

      This is needed to get the datasource for Oracle.

    2. Create the Connection Pool for Oracle.

      1. Enter a name, such as OracleXPPool, but this name can be your choice.

      2. Select javax.sql.DataSource for the Resource Type.

      3. Select Oracle for the Database Vendor.

      4. Set the appropriate properties:

        1. User: eventdb_user

        2. DatabaseName: orcl

          Note –

          This and other database specific configurations may change depending on how you configured the Oracle database.

        3. Password: eventdb_user

        4. ServerName: hostname

          Note –

          This is the server where the database is running.

        5. PortNumber: 1521

        6. URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:orcl

          Caution – Caution –

          This URL may actually override the other settings; it should match the other settings.

      5. Create the JDBC Resource.

        1. Enter a JNDI Name, for example OracleXPDB.

          Note –

          This should match what is set in the Alert Management Config Agent/ file mentioned above.

        2. Select the appropriate Pool Name; in our example we used OracleXPPool.

  3. Create the user, tables, etc. needed for alert persistence and journaling manually.

    Note –

    This is automatically done for Derby.

    There are database scripts that are packaged in the jbi_rt.jar file under appserver/jbi/lib. However there are some errors, so you need to be correct these scripts manually.

    • The example scripts have been modified to work with an Oracle 10 GB database; see Oracle Script Examples.

    • Run the create_event_store_user.sql and create_event_store_schema.sql scripts, in that order, with the system (admin) user.

    • Corrections made in this example:

      • Set the absolute path to tablespace data files (database installation dependent)

      • Modify the command to match Business Process persistence

      • Comment out the second data file

      • Move the comments

      • Fix the table name references to match user schema and table name, which were set above in

      • Fix the column reference; that is, change the second column name from event_timestamp to timestamp

      • Change the datatype from timestamp to decimal

      • Fix the reference for sequence