Java CAPS Management and Monitoring APIs

Target Option Behavior for the Management Client

The --target option causes the install and deploy commands to behave differently. Depending upon the option value specified, these differences can be radical.

Note –

Two of the target option names are constant: “server” and “domain.” They represent an instance of an operator and are replaceable with a name specific to the current template.

Table 18 Target Option Value and Behavior

Option Value  



The command is executed against the embedded domain administration server (DAS) instance. 


When the target option is the literal string domain, the component is executed against the domain itself, but not to any instances or clusters running on the domain. This option value is only applicable for install or deploy commands.

cluster name 

When a cluster name is specified, the command is executed against all instances in the specified cluster. 

instance name 

When an instance name is specified, the command is executed against the specific instance specified.