Monitoring Java EE Components

Monitoring Topics

Enterprise Manager allows you to see an application’s topics in the left panel in a similar way to that illustrated for queues. The top right panel displays information about the selected topic.

Table 1–5 Topics Tab - Columns

Column Name 


Topic Name 

The name of the topic. 

Min Sequence Number 

JMS Grid does not use sequence numbers, so this column always displays the value zero (0). 

Max Sequence Number 

JMS Grid does not use sequence numbers, so this column always displays the value zero (0). 

Available Count 

The number of unprocessed messages in this topic. This value represents the number of messages which have not been consumed by any subscriber to the topic. 

Current Subscribers 

The number of subscribers who are actively consuming from the topic. 

Last Published Date/Time 

The date and timestamp of the most recent message currently available in the topic. If no messages are available, this column shows the last publication date and time of the last message. 

You can list the messages in a topic in the bottom right panel just as for queues. The column meanings for topics are the same as for queues. The messages might not be displayed in the order in which they were sent, as shown in the Sent On column.

This panel also has several buttons, whose functions are the same as for topics.