Alert Codes and Error Messages for Sun Master Indexes (Repository)

About the Enterprise Manager Monitor

The Monitor alerts you to the status of components (for example, whether they are running) and allows you to send commands to the components such as start or shut down. From the Monitor, you can double-click a Sun Master Index application or related project component to go directly to the problem. The Monitor allows you to filter the list of displayed instances to quickly identify exceptions and to navigate to specific versions of a Service to monitor the progress of each instance. Sun Master Index components cannot be stopped or restarted from the Monitor, but eWays and other associated components can.

The Monitor provides visual cues to let you know when a component needs attention. For example, the Connectivity Map displays a flashing red square when a Service becomes inactive. If you configure the Alert Agent or SNMP Agent, you can avoid having to run the Monitor continuously. The agent will notify you when a specified problem occurs.