Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS

JBI Command Options and Values

The Following table provides a description of the JBI command options.




Common Options: These options are common to most of the JBI Component asadmin commands.

--echo | -e 

true | false 

true indicates that the command specified on the command line is echoed to system output.

--interactive| -I 

true | false 

true (default) indicates that only the required password options are prompted.

--terse | -t 

true | false 

true indicates that the output is reduced to the minimal amount.

--port | -p 

The port number 

The HTTP/S port for administration. Default port for PE: 4848, default port for EE: 4849 

--secure | -s 

true | false 

true indicates that SSL/TLS is used to communicate with the domain administration server.

--host | -H 


The machine name where the JBI application is running. The default value is localhost. 

--user | -u 

The admin user 

The authorized domain administration server administrative username. 



The name of a file containing the password entries. 


target name | [server]|domain 

The name of the target.  



Displays the help text for the command. 

Specialized Options: These options are for specific JBI Component asadmin commands only.


service assembly name 

Lists the components that have ASA deployed as part of the service assembly unit with the specified service assembly name. 


component name 

The name of the referenced component. 


component name 

Lists the shared libraries referenced by the specified component. 



Displays the component's configuration values. 



Displays the component's XML desriptor. 



true indicates that the service assembly starts automatically when the system starts up. Users are allowed to access the service assembly. For EE, this option enables the deployment on the specified instance or cluster. This option is ignored when the service assembly is deployed on the target domain.


endpoint name 

Displays the endpoint statistics. 

--force| -F 


true indicates that the component will be forcefully shut down.



Displays the framework statistics. 



true indicates that the component will remain in the domain.


shared library name 

Lists the components that currently use the specified shared library. 



The list can be filtered on the lifecycle state of the components. 



Displays the component's loggers and their levels. 



Displays the NMR (Normalized Message Router) statistics. 


service assembly name 

Displays the component's statistics. 



The new archive file path that is used to update the component. 



true indicates that it uploads the file to the administration server. If the filepath of the installable file is mounted to the server machine, or if the administration server is running locally, set the upload option to false.