Loading the Initial Data Set for a Sun Master Index

Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Logging Properties

The configuration file for the logging properties, logging.properties, defines how much information is logged while the IBML Tools are running. By default, logging is set to display INFO level messages and above on both the console and in a log file.

The following table lists and describes the default properties for the configuration file, but you can add new properties based on the log handlers you use. For more information about log handlers and the properties for each, see the Javadocs for the java.util.logging package.

Table 6 IBML Tool Logging Properties

Property Name 



A list of log handler classes to use, such as java.util.logging.FileHandler and java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler. Each handler you define needs to be configured according to the properties defined for the class.


The logging level to use. By default, this is set to INFO level logging. 


The name and location of the log files that are generated. By default, the files are located in the directory where you extracted the IBML Tools in the logs subdirectory. The files are named loader#.log, where # is an integer that is incremented each time a new log file is created. The log file with the lowest number is the most recent.


The maximum number of bytes to write to any one log file. 


The number of output files to cycle through. 


The name of the Java class used to format the log file. The IBML Tool provides a formatting class, com.sun.mdm.index.loader.log.LogFormatter, but you can define your own.


The level at which information is logged on the console. 


The name of the Java class used to format the log information on the console. By default, the IBML Tool uses java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter, but you can define your own.