Loading the Initial Data Set for a Sun Master Index

About the Bulk Match Process

The Bulk Matcher performs the following sequence of tasks:

Figure 2 Bulk Matcher Internal Process

Figure shows the internal process flow of the Bulk Matcher.

Block distribution and EUID assignment are both handled by the master Bulk Matcher. Matching and master index image generation are performed by all matchers. At any given time, all matchers perform the same task. When that task is complete for all matchers, they move on to the next task, obtaining the necessary files and information from the master Bulk Matcher. The cluster synchronizer (see About the Cluster Synchronizer) determines when a task is complete and coordinates the tasks for all matchers.

Block Distribution

The master Bulk Matcher reads the input file and then writes records to block bucket files to be distributed to each matcher. Before writing the data, the block distributor reads the configuration of the query, match string, and duplicate and match thresholds. It then reads in the input data and writes the data to the block files based on the defined blocking query. The number of files created is dependent on the total number records, record size, and the memory of the processor. Once the data files are created for all blocks, the cluster synchronizer indicates that the matchers can begin the match process.

Record Matching

Once the input data is distributed into individual block buckets, each matcher retrieves a bucket and proceeds to compare each record to every other record in a block and assign a weight that indicates the probability that the records match. The matching logic used here is identical to the matching logic used by the master index application. Any matches that are found during this process are written to a file. Once a matcher completes matching on a block bucket, the cluster synchronizer copies the match file to the master matcher's working directory.

EUID Assignment

When all blocks are matched, the master Bulk Matcher merges the match files from all the other matchers into one master match file. The master Bulk Matcher then assigns an EUID to the system records, assigning any records that are linked as matches the same EUID. Once system records are assigned an EUID, they are distributed to EUID files. Any system records with the same EUID are stored in the same file. Once EUID assignment is complete, the cluster synchronizer indicates that the next phase, generating the master data images, can begin.

Master Index Image Creation

The master index image generator reads from the EUID bucket files to create the master data image files to be loaded into the master index database. These images include complete enterprise records with SBRs, system records, and child objects. The SBR is determined based on the survivor calculator defined for the master index application. The image files also include assumed matches and transaction information. Each matcher processes one of the EUID buckets at a time until all buckets are processed.

Potential Duplicate Creation

The potential duplicate generator reads from the SBR bucket files created by the master index generator and generates any potential duplicate linkages. The potential duplicate generator creates block buckets from the SBR records and matches the SBRs of each record. If two records have a matching weight that is above the duplicate threshold but below the match threshold, they are added to the potential duplicate table in the master index image files. This table is loaded directly into the master index sbyn_potentialduplicates table. Once the Bulk Matcher completes this phase, match processing is complete.