Loading the Initial Data Set for a Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Configure the IBML Tool

Perform the following steps on each machine processing bulk data.

  1. Complete the steps under Creating the Cluster Synchronizer Database.

  2. Navigate to the location where you extracted the IBML Tool.

  3. Open conf/loader-config.xml.

  4. Configure processing attributes by modifying the properties described in Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Processing Configuration.

  5. Configure the cluster synchronizer database connection properties by modifying the properties described in Cluster Synchronizer Database Configuration.

  6. Configure the data reader and enter the name and location of the input file (see Data Reader Configuration for more information).

  7. If the IBML Tool is running on multiple processors, modify the properties described in FTP Server Configuration.

  8. If you are using SQL*Loader to load the master image into the master index database, modify the properties described in SQL*Loader Configuration.

  9. When using the Bulk Matcher in match analysis mode, do any of the following:

  10. Save and close the file.

  11. Repeat the above steps for each load processor in the distributed environment.

  12. To configure logging properties, continue to Configuring Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool Logging; otherwise, skip to Performing a Match Analysis.