Maintaining Sun Master Indexes

Master Index Command Line Reports

Sun Master Index provides a set of production and activity reports that can be generated from a command line or from the MIDM. The command line report client is created in NetBeans_Projects\Project_Name\report-client when you generate the master index application.

The production reports provide information about transactional changes to the data in the master index application and about the current state of that data, helping you monitor stored data and determine how that data needs to be updated. This information also helps verify that the matching logic and weight thresholds are defined correctly. Activity reports provide statistical information for transactions over specific periods of time.

In order to run the command line reports, you must have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.13 or later installed on the machine where the report files reside. For additional reporting needs, the database is accessible using any commercially available ODBC-compliant reporting tool. You can also define reports using Java, PL/SQL, or SQL.

About Production Reports

Production reports should be run daily and provide information about the transactions that are processed through the master index database. These reports provide lists of potential duplicate records, merge transactions, unmerge transactions, assumed matches, updates, and deactivated records for a specified time period. The information you find in these reports helps you analyze your matching threshold configuration, and provides valuable information about how data is being processed with your current configuration. In addition to running the production reports daily, you should run them against any data that has been loaded from existing systems into the master index database in batch format.

About Activity Reports

Activity reports should be run weekly, monthly, and yearly to obtain statistical data about the transactions that are processed through the master index database. These reports give the number of each type of transaction performed for the specified week, month, or year. They also provide cumulative information for the week, month, or year to date. The information you find in these reports helps analyze the matching threshold configuration and the condition of your data by giving you the number of potential duplicates created, the number of assumed matches, and so on.