Maintaining Sun Master Indexes

ProcedureTo Configure Command Line Reports

For each report, make the following modifications before running the reports. Each element or attribute mentioned in the following instructions is defined in . There are six stanzas for you to modify, one for each report.

  1. In the XML file you will use for your implementation, scroll to the report element.

  2. Name the report in the report name attribute.

  3. Specify whether or not to run the report in the enable element.

  4. Define the name of the output file in the output-file element.

  5. Specify a time period for the report by modifying the type element and, optionally, the from-date and to-date elements.

  6. Define the fields to include on the report by modifying the elements in the fields element.

  7. When you have finished configuring each report, save and close the file.

    A sample report configuration appears below.

    <report name="Potential Duplicate Today"
     template="Potential Duplicate">
        <dates type="today" from-date="" to-date=""/>
        <field path="Person.FirstName" label="First Name" width="10"/>
        <field path="Person.LastName" label="Last Name" width="10"/>
        <field path="Person.SSN" label="SSN" width="9"/>
        <field path="Person.DOB" label="DOB" width="10"/>
        <field path="Person.Address.AddressLine1"
          label="AddressLine1" width="30"/>
        <field path="Person.Address.AddressLine2"
          label="AddressLine2" width="30"/>