Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Logging in to the Patient EDM

Before you can use the Patient EDM, you must first log in to the application by entering the correct URL in your web browser, and then specifying your login ID and password. Make sure you have a user ID and password for Sun Master Patient Index before logging in. The application server running Sun Master Patient Index must be started before you can log in to the Patient EDM.

The URL for the Patient EDM is:



The port number for the Sun Java System Application Server is listed in the domain.xml file in the http-listener element (8080 by default). The domain.xml file is located in app_server_home\domains\domain_name\config.

ProcedureTo Log in to the Patient EDM

  1. Launch a web browser (Internet Explorer 6.0 with SP1 or later).

  2. In the Address field, enter the appropriate URL.

    The Login page appears.

    Figure 2 EDM Login Page

    Figure shows the Login page of the Patient EDM.

  3. Enter your login ID and password in the appropriate fields.

  4. Click Login.

    The initial page appears. (By default, the initial page is the Search page, but this is configurable.)

    Note –

    After a certain period of inactivity, the Patient EDM automatically logs off and returns you to the Login page when you try to perform an activity on the Patient EDM. Simply reenter your user name and password to access the Patient EDM again. The system administrator can set the inactivity period at the server level in the session-timeout element of default-web.xml (in logicalhost_home\is\domains\domain_name\config) or at the application level in web.xml in the Sun Master Patient Index application .war file (located in the deployment .ear file) or in the deployment folder itself. The application level overrides any values set at the server level. The default inactivity period is 30 minutes.