Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Performing a Local ID Lookup on the Patient EDM

To search for a patient profile by their local ID in a specific system, you need to enter search criteria in the Local ID section of the Simple Person Lookup page. This type of search should result in only one matching profile. If the Local ID field contains alphabetic characters, the criterion is case-sensitive.

Note –

The name of this section might have been modified for your implementation. See your system administrator for more information.

ProcedureTo Perform a Local ID Lookup

  1. On the Person Search page, select Simple Person Lookup from the Search Types drop-down list.

    The Simple Person Lookup page appears (see Figure 6).

  2. In the System field, enter the name of a system for which the local ID is known.

  3. In the Local ID field, enter the patient's local ID in the given system.

    Note –

    If alphabetic characters are entered in this field, the search is case-sensitive. This field name might have been modified for your implementation.

  4. Click Search or press Enter to initiate the search.

    The Search Result page is bypassed, and the View/Edit page appears.