Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Step 2: Specify a System and Local ID

Each patient profile is associated with at least one system record. Before you add demographic data to a patient profile, you must specify the patient’s local ID in a specific system. This creates the system record component of the patient profile.

Figure 35 Create System Record - System and Local ID

Figure shows the Source System view on the Create System
Record page.

ProcedureTo Specify a System and Local ID

  1. Complete Step 1: Obtain Information about the Patient.

  2. On the Patient EDM main menu, select Create System Record.

    The Create System Record page appears.

  3. Select the system in which you want to add the new profile.

  4. Enter the local ID for the new profile.

    Note –

    By default the name of this field is Local ID, but it might have been customized for your implementation.

  5. Click Add System Record.

    The page changes to display demographic fields.

  6. Continue to Step 3: Specify Demographic Information.