Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Learning About Patient EDM Reports

Sun Master Patient Index provides a set of production, activity, and search result reports that can be generated from the Patient EDM. The production reports provide information about the current state of the data in the master index application, helping you monitor stored data and determine how that data needs to be updated. This information also helps verify that the matching logic and weight thresholds are defined correctly. Activity reports provide statistical information for transactions over specific periods of time. Search result reports allow you to print a list of profiles in a search result set.

The following topics provide additional information to help you understand and work with the default reports.

Patient EDM Production Reports

Production reports provide information about the transactions that are processed through the master index database. These reports provide lists of potential duplicate profiles, merge transactions, unmerge transactions, assumed matches, updates, and deactivated profiles for a specified time period. The information you find in these reports provides valuable information about how data is being processed with the current configuration. In addition to running the production reports daily, you should run them against any data that has been loaded from existing systems into the master index database in batch format.

Production reports can be run for the current day, the previous day, or for a date range you specify. If you run your daily reports in the evening, you should run the current day’s reports. If you run your daily reports in the morning, you should run the previous day’s reports.

Patient EDM Activity Reports

Activity reports should be run weekly, monthly, and yearly to obtain statistical data about the transactions that are processed through the master index database. These reports give the number of each type of transaction performed for the specified week, month, or year. They also provide cumulative information for the week, month, or year to date. The information you find in these reports helps analyze the condition of the data by giving you the number of potential duplicates created, the number of assumed matches, and so on.

Patient EDM Search Result Reports

In addition to viewing a search result list on the Patient EDM, you can create and print a search result report. This allows you to view a complete list of all profiles in a result set rather than viewing them one page at a time. You can generate search result reports for general, transaction history, assumed match, potential duplicate, and audit log search results. These reports are accessed from the Search Results page for the search you performed. Search result reports can be viewed online or sent to a printer of your choice. The fields that appear on the reports depend on the fields that appear on the Results page for the type of search you performed. For instructions on running a search result report, see Creating and Printing a Search Result Report.

Configuring Patient EDM Reports

The report files are configured by the Enterprise Data Manager file (edm.xml) in the master index project. For information and instructions on configuring the reports, see Configuring the EDM Reports and Reports Page (Repository) in Configuring Sun Master Indexes (Repository).

Masked Data and Patient EDM Reports

Though the Patient EDM can be configured to hide certain fields from users who do not have the appropriate security permissions, reports generated from the Patient EDM will display the hidden data if those fields are configured to appear on the reports. Be sure to only give access to users who should be able to view this information, or do not include hidden fields in the reports.