Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Step 8: Add Comments to the Patient Profile

When you add a new patient to the master index application, you can specify miscellaneous information about the patient or patient profile in the form of free-text comments.

Figure 41 Create System Record - Comment Information

Figure shows the Comments view of the Create System Record

ProcedureTo Add Comments

  1. Complete Step 7: Specify Auxiliary IDs.

  2. In the EUID tree in the left portion of the Create System Record page, select Comment.

    The page changes to display comment fields.

  3. On the Create System Record page, fill in the comment fields (for more information, see About Comment Fields on the Patient EDM).

  4. In the lower portion of the page, click Add Comment.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each comment you need to add to the patient profile.

  6. If you add a comment in error, highlight the comment code in the EUID tree, and then click Remove Comment.

    The comment is removed from the tree.

  7. Continue to Step 9: Save the Patient Profile.