Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

About Alphanumeric Search Fields on the Patient EDM

The alphanumeric search fields, located in the Demographics and Address sections of the Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha) page, allow you to specify search criteria for the patient you want to find. You should make your search as specific as possible. This type of search allows wildcard characters; use a percent sign (%) to indicate any unknown characters.

Any required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). If at least one field in group of fields is required, the fields in that group are marked with a dagger (†). This type of search supports searching by a range of values. Range searching is supported for any field type that has two fields, one with “From” appended to the name and one with “To” appended to the name (for example, “DOB From” and “DOB To”). If your Patient EDM is set up for range searching, see the system administrator for more information about how it is configured.

Note –

These fields are defined by default, but your implementation might be configured differently.

Table 3 Advanced Alphanumeric Search Fields

In this field … 

type or select … 


Last Name

The last name of the patient you want to find. 

First Name

The first name of the patient you want to find. 

Middle Name

The middle name or initial of the patient you want to find. 


The start date for a range of dates that includes the patient’s date of birth. Enter the same date in the DOB To and DOB From fields to search on an exact date. 

Tip –

You can click the calendar icon to the left of this field to bring up a calendar from which you can select a date. To select today’s date, click Today on the calendar dialog box.

DOB From

The end date for a range of dates that includes the patient’s date of birth. 

Note –

Your Patient EDM might be configured to search on an exact date and not a range of dates. In this case, there will only be one field named “DOB”.


The gender of the patient you want to find. 

Mother’s Maiden Name

The maiden name of the patient’s mother. 


The social security number of the patient you want to find. 

Maiden Name

The maiden name of the patient you want to find. 


The type of patient profile for which you are searching, such as customer, employee, patient, and so on. 


Address Type

The type of address you are entering as criteria, such as home, billing, office, and so on. 

Address Line 1

The street address of the patient you want to find. Enter only a street number and street name in this field, and do not enter a street type or direction. 


The city in which the address is located. 


The state in which the address is located. 

Postal Code

The zip code of the address.