Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Patient Profile Comparisons

You can compare two different patient profiles by selecting the profiles to compare from a search results list. You can also compare different components of one patient profile. The Comparison page allows you to view the selected profiles or components of one profile in a side-by-side comparison with the differences between the two sides highlighted. Like the View/Edit page, the Comparison page displays an EUID tree for each profile, from which you can select the type of information you want to compare. This design allows you to compare one patient’s SBR with another’s SBR, one patient’s system records with another’s system records, or one patient’s SBR with another’s system records. You can also compare a profile’s SBR with one of its own system records or two system records from one profile. This gives you a complete comparison between patient profiles and between the different records in a patient profile.

Differences between displayed profiles are only highlighted when viewing the same type of information on each side. For example, viewing two SBR addresses highlights the differences, but viewing an SBR address and system object address does not. From the Comparison page, you can merge patient profiles or system records if they are found to represent the same patient.