Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Transaction History Transaction Types on the Patient EDM

Each transaction performed by the master index application is assigned a transaction type, indicating the type of action that was performed. Table 13 lists and describes each transaction type.

Table 13 Transaction Type Descriptions

Transaction Type 



This transaction type is assigned when a new patient profile is added to the database, whether it is through a direct add or through reversing an assumed match. 

EUID Activate

This transaction type is assigned when a deactivated patient profile is reactivated. 

EUID Deactivate

This transaction type is assigned when an active patient profile is deactivated. 

EUID Merge

This transaction type is assigned when two patient profiles are merged. 

EUID Unmerge

This transaction type is assigned when two patient profiles are unmerged. 

System Record Merge

This transaction type is assigned when two system records are merged. 

System Record Transfer

This transaction type is assigned when a system record is transferred from one patient profile to another. 

System Record Unmerge

This transaction type is assigned when two system records are unmerged. 


This transaction type is assigned when a patient profile is modified in any way other than those described above. This includes such transactions as modifying a patient profile, reversing an assumed match, deactivating or reactivating a system record, and adding or removing a child object (such as an address or telephone number).