Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Single Best Record

The single best record (SBR) for a patient profile is made up of a combination of information from all active system records associated with that patient profile. The SBR represents the information that is determined by Sun Master Patient Index to be the most reliable and current of all system records in a patient profile. The SBR is dynamic and is recalculated each time an update is made to an associated system record, a merge or unmerge affects the patient profile, or a system record in the profile is deactivated or reactivated. You can use the overwrite capability of the Patient EDM to update the SBR directly or you can update a system record and allow the survivor calculator to determine how to update the SBR (for more information, see Survivor Calculator).

If you use the overwrite capability to update a field, that field remains locked and cannot be updated by changes to system records until the field is unlocked. For more information about the overwrite function and locked fields, see Updating the SBR and Updating System Records.