Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic)

The Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic) function differs from the alphanumeric lookup in that it returns phonetic variations of the entered name or street address, allowing room for misspellings and typographic errors. Name and address criteria for phonetic searches are not sensitive to case or to diacritical marks. You can include any combination of address fields in the search, and you can perform partial searches on the street address by only entering the street name. An address search uses the parsed street address field components and the phonetic version of the street name. By default, you can only search on the following data combinations; however, your system might be configured for different combinations.

The Patient EDM only searches on the above combinations that have complete data. For example, if Last Name, First Name, DOB, and Gender are entered as criteria, only the first and fifth combinations are carried out. The returned result set would include any records that match on first and last name or that match on first name, date of birth, and gender. If only First Name is entered as search criteria, no records are returned since it does not fulfill any of the combination requirements.