Configuring JBI Components

Configuring WSDL Extensibility Elements

WSDL elements include Service (Connectivity) and Binding WSDL elements. Service elements allow you to establish a connection with a server. Binding elements allow you to convert WSDL messages to and from HTTP/SOAP messages. Both the binding and service section of a WSDL document must be properly filled out to define how a message is transformed and the destination of that message.

Each binding components contain protocol-specific information, defined by WSDL Extensibility Elements. These elements can be edited using the NetBeans IDE WSDL Editor, from the editors Source view, WSDL view, or Partner view. The WSDL Editor supports version 1.1 of the WSDL specification.

For information on using the WSDL Editor, see the Developer Guide to the WSDL Editor. You can also try a tutorial created specifically for the binding component you wish to understand better, for example, the Processing an Order in a Purchase Order Systemtutorial illustrates using the HTTP Binding Component and BPEL Service Engine in an application.

This section contains information on the following WSDL Extensibility Elements: