Configuring Java CAPS Business Processes

Implementing the OCI Driver

Implementing the OCI driver involves the following tasks:

Copying the OCI Driver Library Files

In order for BPM to use the OCI driver, the library file must reside in the Logical Host’s library directory.

ProcedureTo copy the OCI driver library files

  1. Install the Oracle client on the system where Logical Host resides.

  2. Define the monitoring and recovery database in tnsnames.ora.

  3. Copy ojdbc14.jar (for JDK 1.4 or later) or classes12.jar (for JDK 1.2 and 1.3) from the /jdbc/lib subdirectory in the Oracle client installation to the /lib subdirectory in the Logical Host domain-specific directory. For example,

    copy from oracle_home\jdbc\lib

    to logical_host\is\domains\domain1\lib


    Note –

    The location of the files in the Oracle installation varies depending on the version of Oracle being used and whether it is a client or server installation.

  4. Restart the Logical Host instance to load the driver classes.

Setting up the Environment

To enable the OCI driver with the BPM Engine, set the following environment variables.

Note –

oracle_home refers to the directory where the Oracle client or database is installed. For example, C:\oracle\ora92 or /home/oracle/orahome. This folder contains sub-folders such as bin, network, jdbc, jlib, and lib.

For Windows operating systems:

For Linux and Unix operating systems (except HPUX and AIX):

For HP-UX:

For AIX:

Configuring the BPM Engine to use the Oracle OCI Driver

You must configure the BPM Engine to use the OCI driver instead of the default thin driver. This is configured in the Environment Explorer in the integration server properties sheet.

ProcedureTo configure the engine to use the Oracle OCI driver

  1. In the Environment Explorer, right-click the integration or application server, and then click Properties.

  2. Click BPM Engine Configuration.

  3. On the Properties dialog box, enter the service name in the Oracle Net Service Name field.

    The value to enter is the TNS name configured in the tnsnames.ora file (located at <oracle_home>/network/admin). The following example shows a typical TNS name configuration where ORCL.STC.COM is the Oracle Net Service Name.

        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MyHost)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
  4. Fill in the properties.

  5. Click OK.

    The following table describes the fields you must configure in the BPM Engine Configuration properties.



    Persistence Mode

    An indicator of whether persistence is enabled. Select one of the Persist to Database options to enable persistence in BPM.


    The database platform in use. Select the correct version of Oracle to enable the OCI feature. 

    Database Host

    The name of the computer on which the Oracle database resides. 

    Database Port

    The port on which the Oracle database is listening. The default is 1521. 

    Oracle Net Service Name

    The TNS name of the database (from the tnsnames.ora). The BPM Engine uses the OCI driver if this property is populated. Otherwise, the BPM Engine uses the default DataDirect driver.

    Database Instance/Schema

    The name of the database. 

    Database User

    The user name to access the monitoring and recovery tables. 


    The Password to access the monitoring and recovery tables.