Configuring Java CAPS Business Processes

Configuring General Properties

The General page is the first page you see when you begin to edit Business Process properties. You can change the Business Process name, edit the target namespace, select the persistence state, and so on.

ProcedureTo configure general Business Process properties

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the Business Process and then click Properties.

    The Business Process Properties window appears with the General page displayed.

  2. Enter or select the values for the properties.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and exit the Business Process Properties dialog box, or select another tab to modify additional properties.



    Business Process Name

    The name of the Business Process. 

    Target Namespace

    The URL of the Business Process. 

    Persistence for Reporting

    An indicator of whether persistence for the Business Process is enabled. Note that a Business Process that contains only complex attributes and no simple attributes cannot be configured for reporting persistence.

    Lenient State

    An indicator of whether copy or write activities will be skipped when they throw an exception while the Business Process is running. This property specifically applies to Projects that are imported from Java CAPS 5.0.3 or earlier, or Business Processes from third-party vendors. These Projects do not contain the updated optional node assignments and throw an exception that stops the process instance. The possible values are: 

    • true - Adds the attribute

       to the BPEL process tag. This in turn causes any copy or write activity that throws an exception to be skipped. A false is returned as an evaluation of the condition that threw the exception, overriding the settings you might have set for the switch block with the decision gate mapper.
    • false - No attribute is added. This is the default property. If you do not set this, any lenient flag on the individual copy or write activity has the same effect.

    Enable XA for Entire Business Process

    Enables transactional functionality for the entire Business Process rather than at the activity level. You can enable activity-level transactional functionality in the activity’s property sheet. 


    The theme for the Business Process. The theme determines the look of the Business Process, including the icons used on the canvas. The default theme is BPMN; select Custom 1 for a different look.

    Max Concurrent Instances

    Specifies the maximum number of instances of each Business Process that can be processed by the BPM Engine at one time. If the engine receives additional requests, they are placed in a waiting state. As soon as any of the instances being processed is completed, one of the waiting requests is retrieved for processing.

    A higher value for this property results in higher memory requirements, though memory requirements are also based on the type of Business Process. Assuming that two Business Processes have the same value for this property, the Business Process that has more defined variables requires more memory. The suggested range is from 40 to 1000.