Configuring Java CAPS Business Processes

Adding Correlation Sets

Correlation sets are groups of properties (correlation keys) shared by all messages in the group. A correlation set matches messages and conversations with a Business Process instance. For example, you might want to assign a purchase order number and an invoice number to a transaction so all information about the purchase and payment are associated.

Note –

When naming correlation sets, use unique names. Duplicate correlation set names cause indexing problems in the monitoring and recovery database. Consider including the Business Process name in the correlation set name to ensure uniqueness.

ProcedureTo add a correlation set

  1. Click the Correlations tab.

  2. In the Correlation Set section, click Create.

    The New Correlation Set dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the new correlation set.

  4. In the Select from List box, select the correlation keys you want to add to the correlation set. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple keys.

  5. Click the right-arrow button to move your selections to the correlation set.

  6. Click OK.